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November 28, 2024 @ 11:30 – 13:00

Thursday, November 28, 2024 from 11:30 am to 01:00 pm (ET)
The Africa Study Group (ASG) presents a round-table on “The Central Role of Land in Africa’s Future”

This is a Hybrid event. You can attend in-person at Carleton University, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA), Richcraft Hall 5320 D

If you wish to join us online you can register through the following ZOOM link:

This session on “Land and Related Issues in Africa” will focus on land and land rights as cross-cutting or preconditions to: (i) enable inclusive rural economic growth; (ii) foster household and community asset formation; (iii) improve natural resource management practices; (iv) strengthen community-based agency; and (v) shape the nature of food production and household livelihood systems.

The speakers will shed light on the many issues surrounding land claims, in particular the complex system of Inter-locking rights and interests relating to access to and ownership of land giving particular attention to access, inheritance and ownership by women.


Eva Maria Anyango Okoth is currently the Africa Regional Coordinator, based in Nairobi, of the International Land Coalition.  She has extensive experience in environmental rights, climate justice, and land rights, having worked with grassroots communities impacted by large-scale projects in Africa as well as supporting networks of people’s organizations to advocate for people centered land governance. In her current role, she leads regional programs and operations, offering technical support to national and regional member-led platforms. She also oversees and co-ordinates the work of ILC Africa’s Regional Co-ordination Unit. Eva Maria is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and holds a Master of Laws in Public International Law.

Dr. Mwenda Makathimo is the Executive Director of Land Development and Governance Institute, based in Nairobi. He has wide experience in practice and research on issues relating to land and environment policy development, land management and administration, governance, assets and property valuation, real estate management, boundary delimitation and mapping. He is a Registered and Licensed Valuer, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Land Economics, a Master of Arts in Valuation and Property Management and a Doctorate in Environmental Policy from the University of Nairobi. He has also undertaken an executive training on Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development at the Columbia University. He is a past Chairman of the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya and was also a Commissioner of the Interim Independent Boundaries Review Commission.He has served as a member of the Nairobi City Valuation Court, an External Examiner at the University of Nairobi, School of the Built Environment, Department of Real Estate and Senior Lecturer Mount Kenya University, School of Engineering, Energy and the Built Environment. He has served as a member of the steering committee that drafted the Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2009 on Kenya’s National Land Policy; taskforce member in developing the National Land Commission Rules and Regulations under the National Land Commission Act 2012 and; in the development of land policy guidelines for Africa as part of an African Union and African Development Bank initiative.

Ogochukwu Udenigwe is a global health researcher and Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Australia. She completed a PhD in International Development and Global Studies at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Her research focuses on maternal health inequities, gender and inclusion, knowledge use, and health policy. She is a guest editor for the journal Reproductive Health on the topic of Enhancing equity through digital technologies for sexual and reproductive health in low and middle-income countries. She coauthored the paper entitled ‘Does the Canadian government support women’s rights to land in sub-Saharan Africa?”.


Bruce H. Moore is a civil society activist, former United Nations Diplomat and NGO Executive Director.  Most recently, he served on the Boards of Transparency International Canada; the Institute for Global Food Security at McGill University; Canadians for Tax Fairness, the Forum for Democratic Global Governance and the Huairou Commission, an international alliance of grassroots women’s organizations.  He was the first Director of the Rome-based International Land Coalition from 1998-2008, a global alliance of civil society, UN and intergovernmental organisations working to enable poor rural families to gain their land and resource rights.  Earlier he was the Executive Director of Partners in Rural Development, a Canadian NGO supporting farmer and rural peoples’ organizations. He has chaired the NGO Advisory Committee to the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development; chaired policy dialogues at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development; and served on the Commission on the Legal Empowerment of the Poor.

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