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Africa and the New Networks of Cultural Mobility Opportunities, Strategies and Limitations
Oct 6 – Oct 7 all day

“Issues of culture and identity have come to the forefront of international relations. This is not a passing phenomenon and thus provides new opportunities for sustained dialogue and mutual understanding.”
(Irina Bokova, current director of UNESCO, in a report on the trafficking of cultural artifacts)

In a 2012 UNESCO report on the circulation and proliferation of cultural artifacts, Irina Bokova advocated for a steady increase in the free flow of commodities, individuals, and cultures. Yet in so doing, she merely reiterated a mantra associated with globalization discourse. According to the latter, technological breakthroughs as well as new transportation and communication systems have resulted in both tangible and intangible commodities circulating more openly and freely within an increasingly diversified global market.
Since the 1990s, terms and phrases such as “globalization,” “the global cultural industry” or “postcolonialism,” and littérature-monde have become part of contemporary literary criticism’s common lexicon. This is undoubtedly the way in which scholars have sought to address the tangible impact of the increased mobility of ideas, goods, and populations on contemporary cultural and artistic practices. And thus, younger generations of Francophone minorities in France, who are heavily invested in continental Africa, are now categorized under the rubric “cosmopolitan” or “cosmopolitical” subjects.
However, another factor must be taken into account as it is as much of a game changer as the heightened levels of exchange and circulation on a global scale. Even the staunchest advocate of globalization must admit that borders around the world are neither free nor indiscriminate. Rather, borders and movement are orchestrated in accordance with political, economic and cultural criteria that by their design intrinsically marginalize an overwhelming majority of the world population.
Granted, no one can deny the claim that in this our age of extreme mobility – of people, information, ideas, narratives, researchers, concepts, and the like – new configurations are emerging, particularly in terms of modes of production, reception and distribution of contemporary cultural commodities. Yet despite the way that concepts such as “cosmopolitanism,” “globalization,” and tout-monde have been fast-tracked and integrated into our shared critical vocabulary, the fact remains that cultural productions from the so-called peripheries continue to be critically engaged along the paradigmatic lines of the (post)colony as theorized by Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak, Homi Bhabha, among other founding figures of postcolonial studies. Africa remains the product of a vertical relationship between the West and its Other(s) and the modus operandi of this overarching institutional and commercial framework is considered largely through terms of globality. A dual process is therefore at work, whereby widespread, putatively unbridled mobility is coextensive with exclusionary dynamics, thus giving rise to glaring contrasts.
The colloquium “Africa and the New Networks of Cultural Mobility” aims to go beyond such disparities, so as to better define Africa’s relationships with other emerging markets or that are embedded within other new configurations, alongside or beyond the postcolonial paradigm. A dual model has always shaped geographical patterns of movement in and out of Africa, both in the past and in the present day: a continent-wide circulatory model (trans-African migratory waves) and a tricontinental dispersive regime (diasporic Africas), with both contradicting any logic of territorial closure. This model reflects an existential attitude that nicely coincides with a cosmopolitical project heralding, in more than one respect, the emergence of the postcolonial as such.
The colloquium seeks to build interdisciplinary bridges and foster a constructive dialogue between scholars from the humanities, social sciences, literary studies, film studies, and the visual arts. We encourage participants to address a number of interrelated issues grounded in the following overarching theme: How do the practices and representations of mobility patterns that characterize “Africa,” as a research constellation, offer a unique opportunity to both reflect on the various modes of trafficking Africa on a continental or global scale as well as reevaluate cultural processes and theoretical grids?
If special emphasis is placed on the delineation of mobility patterns and migratory phenomena, this is for two reasons: on the one hand, the point is to question current predominant models (transnationality, hybridity) as explanatory frameworks suited to the task of elucidating the layered meanings of African cultural artifacts; on the other hand, this conference will provide an opportunity to examine alternative models in terms of the representations, practices and negotiations of border zones and fluid spaces.
The ultimate goal of the colloquium is to provide a satisfactory answer as to whether globalization can engender a truly “brave new world” or if it is condemned to merely reproduce deceptive and delusional mirror images. More concretely, it is important not only to consider the relevance of “rediscovering the infra-ordinary” in African literatures, as a counter to normativizing metadiscourses, but also, and above all, to rethink the arts and literatures of Africa in terms of their relationship to both “globalization” and “the worlding of the world,” to borrow Jean-Luc Nancy’s distinction in La Création du monde, ou la mondialisation (2002).
Relevant topics for presentations on literature, film, and the arts include:
Littérature-monde and the prestige economy
Literary manifestoes
African writers and the metrics of popularity
Theories of cultural network formations
“Africa” in contemporary literatures and cinemas
Theoretical strengths and weaknesses of Littérature-monde
Literatures, cinemas, and the arts in Africa: case studies in reception criticism
“Writing, painting or filming Africa”: an exclusive artistic ethos or an exclusively African categorical imperative?
African literatures, cultures and cinemas at the intersection with contemporary trends: dynamics and challenges
The theoretical and political stakes behind diasporic and transnational productions
“Only the West can save the rest”? other networks, figures, and modes of figuration

Events will include various group discussion activities, in addition to traditional conference panels consisting of workshops and 20-minute presentations. Researchers from all relevant fields are invited to submit a 250-word abstract by April 1, 2017. Please enclose the following information in your proposal:
Title of your presentation
Language of delivery (French or English)
Short academic biography and some bibliographical references

Important dates
April 1, 2017: Submission deadline for proposals
Please send your 250-word abstracts, along with the information specified above, by April 1, 2017 to the following address:
May 1, 2017: Notification of the scientific committee. Please indicate in your proposal if you need to be notified earlier in anticipation of visa application procedures with Canadian Immigration Services. The committee will make provisions for a diligent and timely review of your proposal.
October 6-7 2017: Colloquium activities held at the University of Toronto
Participants will be provided with further details regarding a possible publication. There will be no conference registration fee. Coffee or sandwich will be served. However, participants will be expected to assume all other costs.

Marie-Pierre Bouchard, Ph.D., Postdoctoral fellow, Department of French Studies, University of Toronto:
Alexie Tcheuyap, Professor, Department of French Studies, University of Toronto:

From security Issues in the Sahel to the Dynamics of Armed Tuareg Groups in Mali by Adib Bencherif
Jan 23 @ 17:30 – 19:30

The increasing strength of jihadist groups in the years after 2000, the Tuareg rebellion begun in Mali in 2012 and the growing tensions between and within communities in recent years are key factors behind the growing importance of the security situation in the Sahel-Sahara region to the international political agenda. With this starting point, the presentation will try to describe the dynamic relationships between the different armed groups in the most recent Malian conflict, in order to explain the challenges they pose for the stabilization of the region. It will endeavour to put in perspective the objectives, strategies, relative strengths and self-images of the different groups present, in particular within the broader Tuareg community, in order to suggest possible future directions for Mali and for the broader region.


Book Launch: Human Rights in Africa
Mar 15 @ 13:30 – 15:30
L’ Approvisionnement responsable et le secteur minier artisanal
Mar 28 @ 17:30 – 19:30

Un panel et discussion avec Joanne Lebert, Zuzia Danielski et Victoria Reichel d’Impact ( auparavant Partnership Afrique-Canada)


Joanne Lebert, Directrice générale

Avant d’occuper ce poste, Joanne travaillait au Centre de recherche et d’enseignement sur les droits de la personne de l’Université d’Ottawa où ses travaux portaient principalement sur la violence basée sur le genre dans des contextes de conflit en Afrique et ses rapports avec l’industrie extractive. Elle a aussi été directrice adjointe de l’organisme sans but lucratif canadien Peacebuild, au nom duquel elle œuvrait à renforcer les options et les pratiques du Canada en matière de politique étrangère. Dans le cadre de ses études de doctorat, elle a effectué des travaux anthropologiques sur le terrain en Namibie et en Angola. Elle a aussi été professeure invitée en études sur les réfugiés à l’Université d’Oxford. De plus, Joanne a été chargée de cours à l’Université Carleton et a travaillé pour l’OSCE en Bosnie-Herzégovine et en Croatie, pour Amnistie internationale ainsi que pour CARE International en Zambie.

Zuzia Danielski, Directrice des communications

Zuzia est une rédactrice multimédia détenant une vaste expérience dans le soutien aux organisations de défense des droits de la personne et dans la création de campagnes de communication efficaces. Elle a précédemment travaillé pour la Nobel Women’s Initiative et l’International Campaign to Stop Rape & Gender Violence in Conflict. Elle a par ailleurs conseillé de nombreux groupes canadiens pour la justice sociale en ce qui a trait à la communication. Elle a lancé sa carrière dans une salle de rédaction pour le bureau de Varsovie de l’Associated Press et chez National Geographic Pologne. Zuzia a obtenu une maîtrise en conflit, sécurité et développement du King’s College de Londres où elle a concentré ses recherches sur la violence sexuelle en situation de conflit.

Victoria Reichel, Coordonnatrice de projet

Victoria, qui possède une formation multidisciplinaire, est économiste et spécialiste des chaînes d’approvisionnement. Avant de se joindre à IMPACT en 2015, elle a travaillé pour Fairtrade Canada afin de créer des chaînes d’approvisionnement traçables et éthiques dans le secteur du café et des secteurs non alimentaires. Elle a aussi travaillé dans de nombreux centres de recherche en France où elle a axé son travail sur les pratiques participatives dans les situations de conflit environnemental dans une variété de secteurs, dont l’usage des sols, la gestion des eaux et l’exploitation minière. Elle est titulaire d’une maîtrise en économie environnementale de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) à Paris et d’une maîtrise en médiation des connaissances environnementales de l’Université de Versailles.

African Economic Integration: Opportunities for Canada – Panel Discussion & Cocktail Reception
May 24 @ 15:00 – 19:00

Africa is implementing an African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement to integrate its economy which will create tremendous opportunities for Canadian companies, NGO’s, educational institutions and investors.

Join us for this presentation and panel discussion on the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement and African Economic Integration: Opportunities for Canada, followed by a networking cocktail reception with Partner Gowling WLG. Presenters include David Luke, Coordinator, African Trade Policy Centre, Regional Integration and Trade Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and a senior representative from Global Affairs Canada.

DRAFT and subject to change

3:00 pm – Welcome

3:05 pm – David Luke, Coordinator, African Trade Policy Centre, Regional Integration and Trade Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

3:25 pm – Jesse Moore, Chief Executive Officer, M-KOPA Solar (tbc)

3:45 pm – Questions and Answers

4:00 pm  – Networking Refreshment Break

4:20 pm – Panel Discussion: Stephen Ludlow, Senior Director, Enterprise Product Marketing, OpenText, Yiagadeesen (Teddy) Samy, Director of Carleton’s Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Paula Caldwell St-Onge, Director General, Pan Africa, Global Affairs Canada (tbc)

5:00 pm – Moderated Discussion and Questions and Answers

5:30 pm – Networking Cocktail Reception

“In the Name of Your Daughter: A Story of Courage and Hope: documentary on
Oct 21 @ 18:30 – 20:00
This films per is about girls  human rights – something Canada should actively support -especially with our “Feminist Agenda”
But its a tough subject. The Europeans are way more ahead of Canada on this. 
 at the Mayfair this Sunday, the  Tanzanian change-making dynamo – Rhobi Samwelly – the centre of the film -will be here,  as is the filmmaker.
. Our Tanzanian guest has actually been brought here by the UNFPA to speak at the International Parliamentarians conference next week.
A few additional things:
1. Here’s the trailer:  Trailer.
2. Attached is a media advisory with more details, check out the website for the film.
3. They had sold out showings in the UK last week. Here’s a BBC interview:


5. Background as to Rhobi being in Ottawa:

Rhobi will be in Ottawa to speak at the UNFPA-sponsored  meeting of international parliamentarians , she also recently spoke at the UN’s Opening of the General Assembly.
And she and the filmmaker, Giselle Portenier will be at the film screening of their film  for a Q&A session on the eve of the conference opening. Film is called In the Name of Your Daughter.
This film is going to be shown at Ottawa’s Mayfair theatre on Sunday October 21, 2018 at 6:30 pm., Doors open at 6:00 pm
Cost is 10$ at the door
FinDev Canada: the latest tool in Canada’s development cooperation toolbox – le plus récent outil dans la trousse pour la coopération internationale du Canada
Apr 9 @ 17:30 – 19:30

Presentation by Yolanda Banks – Principal Advisor, Corporate Affairs, FinDev Canada
Présentation de Yolanda Banks, Conseillère principale, Affaires générales, FinDev Canada

Canada Trade Diversification: Africa
May 1 @ 17:30 – 19:30

Registration is required

Celebrating the Institute of African Studies 10 years of Impact
Mar 12 all day
CANCELLED Terrorism in Africa, ethnonationalist or religious? ANNULÉ terrorisme en Afrique, ethnonationalisme ou religieux?
Mar 18 @ 17:30 – 19:30

See post for details

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