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DATE: Wednesday, September 28th, 2016
TIME: 17:30 pm – 19:30 pm
LOCATION: St. Paul University, Guigues, room 203, 223 Main Street.

1. Opening remarks

2. What is the role for Canada in the fragile states of Africa?

Biographies :

Chair: Teddy Samy is a Full Professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University. His current research areas include state fragility, aid effectiveness, domestic resource mobilization and income inequality.


David Carment is a full professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton and a NATO and a Canadian Foreign Affairs and Defence Institute Fellow. He is the principal investigator for the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy project (CIFP). His research interests include the international dimensions of ethnic conflict including diaspora, the role of communication technologies in risk analysis and early warning systems, peacekeeping, conflict prevention and Canadian foreign policy analysis.

James Cohen is an independent practioner working on international anti-corruption, security and development. He has worked with the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Transparency International and the United States Academy of Peace. He has contributed to the Centre for Security Governance on the Canadian military and peacekeeping, and wrote on Canada’s military options in Africa.

Frank Young is a retired senior official of USAID, with experience in a range of countries and policy areas. He has also advised the State Department on development policy and management and taught at the US Defense Department’s National War College. He will comment on US approaches to development programming in fragile states.

3. Varia – news from members

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